Calling Dave Berning ZH-270 owners


Just a few very quick questions... if you own a Dave Berning ZH-270 amp are you using a preamp as well and if so which preamp and why?

Many thanks,

I own a ZH270 and I love it! I agree with Chris74. It does sound best with a preamp. I ran it straight into a cd player and the sound was missing dynamics and weight to the music. I use a Supratek Cortese preamp, and it is a fantastic match. The sound is lightning fast with great dynamic contrast. Low mid range has nice weight and body to the music. By the way, the Cortese uses 6sn7 tubes in the line stage.
I don't have the 270s anymore, but when I did have them I used the Tron Comet preamp.
Agree w/comments that preamp adds weight, fullness to the sound, and improves dynamics. I used a Joule Electra LA150, LA100mkIII, CAT SL1mk3, and tried a friends' Supratek Chenin. They all sounded far better than the Berning alone. Cheers,

Another preamp convert here also.Used it with a Counterpoint[modded] pre and it was superb,cheers,Bob
Guys - thanks for all the replies! Certainly looks like a preamp is the way to go.
