fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones

My Rogue Cronus recently blew a slow blow fuse. I was surfing to find a replacement. The stock fuse is a typical metal end cap, glass and "wire" fuse. The audio emporiums only seemed to offer these $39 German gold plated end wunderkinds. I finally found "normal" fuses from a guitar amp site. Has anyone tried the uber fuses and found the sound better? Hard to understand how it could be. Thanks for any thoughts.
Here's another log for the fire: (http://www.positive-feedback.com/Issue32/fuses.htm) These fuses are getting a lot of positive reactions for just being a "gimmick" it would seem! I'll be happy to wrap my little (Gold)fingers around some this weekend!
Joe, here is a store that carries just about every fuse.
Hey Joe- If it's still blowing the fuse: Replace it and swap the tubes around after marking the one that blew the fuse(assuming the fuses are designated as to which tube socket they supply). If it blows another fuse: see if it corresponds with the marked tube.


It is my firm opinion that HiFi Tuning fuses are very synergistic with our amplifiers, Spectron Musician III SE. For my ears they clearly and without any question remove "gray noise" across the Spectron from high frequencies to low - making sound much more "liquid" and involving.

It is rather well known that signal transfer function of the electrical signal will change rather dramatically when you move it from one conductive lattice to another and thus results I hear make theoretically good sense.

I do not hear more clarity, increase in soundstage or other things many people claim but for Spectron owners who can afford these amps its worth while to buy them.

Moreover, as a service to our customers, we made arrangement with the distributor for some "Spectron" discount - for details you can e-mail at Info@spectronaudio.com

I would add that as a service to our customers, we made "Spectron discount" arrangement with the distributors of other assessories which per my and my beta users opinion improve sound of our amplifier.

Hope it helps - at least to Spectron users

Recently i compare the HIFI TUNING FUSE to the ISOCLEAN FUSE.I am owner of LAMM M2.2 amp wich hold large fuse slow blow of 8 amp each.I compared them on an A/B listening in fact the Isoclean sound more spectacular more open and detailed, seem to reduce the noise floor in a significant way.With the Hifi tuning fuse i feel the sound to be more natural less leaner with more body especially on voice, overall more natural sounding ( a matter of taste).With upgraded fuses the sound is more natural an effortless it is like upgrading for a better power cord.Will never return back to el chipo Radio Scrap fuses.Of course i got 12 Hifi Tuning fuses in my system and it worth every penny spend