Good, A properly treated room should be done 1st.
If you have a properly treated room, than on to the next project. My personal space, in a small house, has 8 walls, 2 at 45's, and an asymetric vault ceiling. Either an amazing opportunity or a nightmare. About the only major positive is that I don't have any real bass 'hot spots'. When I first put a system in this room I had an echo from the far, short wall.
Since I was in debt up to my nostrils, my treatment of choice was a small woolen tapestry hung about 2" from the wall. That helped imaging etc etc no end.
My next project, nearly 2 decades later is the purchase of some OC703 to treat 1st reflection points (1 wall at 45 is about 11' tall, maybe 12' from RH speaker....)and between the speakers. A local hi-end store demo'd w/ and w/o such treatment and it is clear Maggies benefit enormously from this...the backwave from them makes for some unique problems.
My point in dragging DBT back into this is that the PLACEBO effect is alive and well and living in everyone. Does my car feel better after an oil change / wash job? Yep! Is anything really different? Nope
All you gotta do is leave the room while a trusted friend does or doesn't change the fuses.....Do this 10 times over a period of 5 or so weeks and see if you can tell more than a chance 50:50 A score of 90 is definitive and warrants a good crow eating. 60% is still within chance. For validity, you really need more like 20 trials, but for the sake of arguement, 10'l do.
I'll also check out the system pics.....Without even looking I KNOW there are a bunch of good room treatment ideas, stuff I never saw or thought of. Maybe some of them will increase the WAF, 'cause I see problems with room treatments!
I'll also admit to some jealousy, in advance. I simply don't have the space or money to make a dedicated HT / or listening area. Everyone that simply isn't near-filthy rich has to compromise. I know most everyone here has done so.
If you have a properly treated room, than on to the next project. My personal space, in a small house, has 8 walls, 2 at 45's, and an asymetric vault ceiling. Either an amazing opportunity or a nightmare. About the only major positive is that I don't have any real bass 'hot spots'. When I first put a system in this room I had an echo from the far, short wall.
Since I was in debt up to my nostrils, my treatment of choice was a small woolen tapestry hung about 2" from the wall. That helped imaging etc etc no end.
My next project, nearly 2 decades later is the purchase of some OC703 to treat 1st reflection points (1 wall at 45 is about 11' tall, maybe 12' from RH speaker....)and between the speakers. A local hi-end store demo'd w/ and w/o such treatment and it is clear Maggies benefit enormously from this...the backwave from them makes for some unique problems.
My point in dragging DBT back into this is that the PLACEBO effect is alive and well and living in everyone. Does my car feel better after an oil change / wash job? Yep! Is anything really different? Nope
All you gotta do is leave the room while a trusted friend does or doesn't change the fuses.....Do this 10 times over a period of 5 or so weeks and see if you can tell more than a chance 50:50 A score of 90 is definitive and warrants a good crow eating. 60% is still within chance. For validity, you really need more like 20 trials, but for the sake of arguement, 10'l do.
I'll also check out the system pics.....Without even looking I KNOW there are a bunch of good room treatment ideas, stuff I never saw or thought of. Maybe some of them will increase the WAF, 'cause I see problems with room treatments!
I'll also admit to some jealousy, in advance. I simply don't have the space or money to make a dedicated HT / or listening area. Everyone that simply isn't near-filthy rich has to compromise. I know most everyone here has done so.