Don't mention double blind tests as they are invalid tests for audio.Tbg, wow, where did that come from? To paraphrase you, certainly you saying DBTs are invalid don't make it so. As Magfan asserts, conducting DBTs would be difficult with hifi but not impossible. Of the actual DBTs I've read about only ten percent or so have shown people hear a difference between the items under test. Those people who statistically show the ability to discern differences are usually practiced listeners. Which you probably are. But again the items under test were items that are accepted, even by most skeptics to have a difference.
IMO many of those people in the audio world who are dead set against DBT have something to lose. For instance, if I sold an item such as a battery operated clock and claimed that by placing the clock in your home your audio system would sound better I wouldn't want that subjected to a DBT.