fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones

My Rogue Cronus recently blew a slow blow fuse. I was surfing to find a replacement. The stock fuse is a typical metal end cap, glass and "wire" fuse. The audio emporiums only seemed to offer these $39 German gold plated end wunderkinds. I finally found "normal" fuses from a guitar amp site. Has anyone tried the uber fuses and found the sound better? Hard to understand how it could be. Thanks for any thoughts.
How would you prove that changing fuses make no difference at all? Or is this really beyond proof. What you are left with is many who hear no difference, and those who claim the differences are noticeable and worthwhile. Of course there are many peieces (amps, preamps, cables, speakers, etc) where it is somewhat easy to explain on technical grounds why you should, and most do hear a difference (most seem obvious) and there this a range of tweeks with technical explanations of dubious merit (I would rely on an audio engineer to tell me about the techincal side of this since I have no technical training); though I grant there maybe be things that we don't even know how to (or that we should)measure which remain, nevertheless very real in how they affect a system. It does seem hard to beleive DBT is of absolutely no value - but maybe it is. I easily hear differences between components and do believe that there are differences. I don't pretend to understand the techincal reasons why a fuse should or should not make a difference in the sound of an amp, I only know I don't hear a difference (though I would like to)and that when I asked three amp designers, who do beleive in differences from circuit design, capacitors, power supplies, tubes, etc, don't beleive in the "fuse" theory. Some things make a difference, some don't, but it seems pretty hard to prove something doesn't make a difference.
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No fuses magnets only. And then treated across their centers with AVM. Double blind or double deaf the difference is tactile.Tom
I don't know what else to say....I have stipulated that a DBT in Hi-End is difficult if not impossible.....For many practical reasons. It is an example of methodology ONLY. For example, the 'D' in DBT means Double....the person doing the setup as well as the listener (victim) should have no idea what is being or not being swapped....very difficult when changing a power cord as big as your arm from the 'stock' bit of lamp cord! So 'D' appears OUT.

The real proof of the pudding, is when you can identify changes with a degree of certainty. If, in your own home, you have someone swap / not swap fuses and can not relieably tell the difference, than it makes no difference. period. Just so long as you don't know if the item under test has or hasn't actually been changed.

Certainly NOT beyond proof of difference. That one fuse is Better....well, that certainly is up to you. But for me to go that route I'll need some indicaton that it works.

As for now, instead of 4x40$=160, I'll spend the same on a couple boxes of OC703=about 140$ and a 30 or 40$ trip to the hardware store. I don't think I should worry about fuses until my listening area is up to snuff.
I think many are really insincere in advocating it, in that they would not pay any attention unless it supported their belief that there are no differences.
Tbg, probably true in some cases, although I can't think what benefit there is to that way of thinking. How about if we turn it around like this; I think many are really insincere in advocating it is USELESS, in that they would not pay any attention unless it supported their belief that there ARE differences. For this line of thinking I can see benefits.

I'm not here to tell you your ears are wrong. I'm not here asking for proof of something that isn't provable either.

What I have a problem with are words such as "substantial" when describing different tweaks. If I were to hear a substantial difference I expect I could identify that difference. I have two pairs of speakers that are sometimes set up at the same time. I can tell from another room which speakers are playing because the difference in their sound is substantial.

As for your last sentence, if I responded sincerely this post would not get through.