Room treatments are not a "tweak". Your room/system interface is one of the most important things(actually the biggest component) you can possibly address when setting up. This has always been true whether regarding a home listening room or live music venue, and the first thing I've attended to(professionally, or at home) since the 80's. A lousy system has a better chance of sounding good in a properly sent up venue than an excellent system in a poor one. As far as DBT: What knowledge do have that either of the persons involved have any experience with live music, or any experience/training with regards to critical listening? Why would I give any credence to a report from someone that may never listen to actual music, or have any idea of what it sounds like(ala Julian Hirsch)?The fuses we are supposed to be discussing in this thread have never been recommended for replacing those in speakers(as far as I've read). Therefore- I'd have to ignore any remarks as to whether they are efficacious in that capacity. They are designed to provide the greatest benefit when placed in the power supply(AC input or DC rails). In these circuits, I've found the Hi-Fi Tuning fuses to increase the "organics" of my system's reproduction. IE: Vocals sound more human, I can perceive the wood resonance in double bass, piano and drum better. the air column in a closely mic'd sax is audible(the list could go on). To me the realism gained by installing the fuses is well worth the price of admission.