How often do you swap out equipment in general

It seems to me that after a good while of listening, I start getting itchy and start moving
stuff around about every month or so. Do I need to get
some extra strength Gold Bond, or is this normal for "US" ???
I've had my amp and CDP for approx. 1 year... speakers and preamp are relatively new additions, going on 3 months. I'm low on $$$ right now, so I'll make an occassional small purchase ($300 or so) on tube rolling till I get another large infusion of cash in the form of my annual bonus or tax refund in 2009. If money were not a constraint, I'd probably be making significant component changes every 4 to 6 months or so. I typically like to move up vs. just making lateral moves in terms of quality and price. I'm satisfied that my system has come a very long way in the last 3 or 4 years that I've been serious about this hobby.
the only surviving member of my system thus far
has been the adcom gda600DAC, which i've had
since 96 , i think. wow! that's a 6th grader man!!!!
I built my system around the Vandersteen 2CE sigs that I purchased back in '02. I have had 5 Amps since then and 6 preamps since then. I have only changed sources once (CD and TT). I have upgraded all stock ICs and PCs. I have been fortunate in the amp department never spending more than $900 and getting increased performance with each upgrade. In the preamp area I have been able to upgrade with increased performance every time except once. I have never spent more than $65 on ICs and $285 on PCs. I have not changed pres since 11/04 and just made my last amp upgrade in January.
Way to go, Eagleman6722!
I've noticed a huge improvement since I started as
well. But I think it's time to come to a slodown.
But we all know that'll never happen. :)