Hybrid - Tube / SS amp capable of sub 1 Ohm loads?

I've done searches and haven't found anything that really discusses this.

There are a few options that I've seen that are Hybrid that will do this, for example:The Conrad Johnson Evolution 2000.

That amp is getting old, is there anything more modern that will accomplish this? Am I chasing a pipe dream here? The Lamm series claims to be able to do it but it will not in reality. I know people that has had these and tried to run them on an Apogee Scintilla and it pooped out.

There might be some tube-amps that can operate with a such load, but they are more voltage driven, not current and the Scintilla needs current.


Check into the Music Reference RM-200.Call Roger and ask him.They do 2 ohms great,Not sure about 1 ohm.JD
thanks JD, but I don't think an all-tube amp will satisfy the current hungry Scintillas in their 1 ohm configuration (which typically dips down to .8)

I have a friend that uses Krell FPB-350mcx monos on them and they play wonderfully, albiet damn hot!
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