Has anyone try the Benchmark DAC1 Preamp?

Benchmark Media who makes a pretty respectable DAC has just offer a DAC1 Preamp. This integration of two component seem interesting and I'm wondering if anyone out there has experience with preamp capabilities of Benchmark.
I have not tried the new dac1 preamp but I do use my benchmark dac1 to control the volumne. I have a adcom 5 disk cd player I use as a transport and the dac1 to my pass labs aleph 3 and my velodyne hgs12 subwoofer. I have totem model 1 for my for monitors. The sound is incredible! a very simple 2 channel setup. I do not need anything else, I only listen to xrcd and cd's. mostly jazz and clasical and guitar and a little rock. I have a music/ office room. the dac1 preamp will be more flexible when having different components but I love my dac1, I also have done the cone mods to the dac1
I've had the DAC-1 Pre for a couple of weeks now and IMHO it sounds excellent. Previously I had the regular DAC1 and either ran it straight to my power amp, or through my Bryston BP25. The DAC 1 Pre sounds better than either of those combinations. Needless to say, my BP25 will be on the market shortly.
Cldinsmore, was your DAC1 the DAC1USB?

I asked BenchMark, the difference between DAC1USB and DAC1PRE, other than the extra input, is the premium connectors and more use of LM4562.

Since I don't need the extra analog input, I was thinking that the DAC1USB might be all I need.
Also...It sounds like Amfibius is saying the DAC1 Pre is a digital preamp. The preamp in the DAC1 Pre is analog and so is the volume control. I'm also not sure what he means when he says "every interface you add in a digital system increases jitter." The DAC1 Pre is not adding any additional interfaces. Even if it did, the DAC1 is immune to jitter due to the Ultra Lock system. I would also think that analog signals do benefit from short signal paths more so than digital. Digital signals being '0s' and '1s' are much less prone to contamination. As far as exposing the analog signal to digital noise...the DAC1 Pre is dead quiet and has an incredible S/N ratio.