What power conditioner to use with Bel Canto Amps?

I am wondering what power conditioner would best match the Bel Canto Reference 1000 amplifiers. Has anyone found what works best with this type of amplifier? Power cords?
I am just using a BPT power strip with mine- non-current limiting. Power cords are Custom Power Top Guns (high-current). I have also heard the DCCA Extreme Reference power cords being talked about as great for amps.
Jreerunn40, I don't have that amp but if you've got a shunyata dealer near by, I say try it. I think they allow amps to really focus on the entire frequency range and not emphasize certain frequency. IMO, I would invest in any other power than shunyata. They are well respected and if you ever decide to sell, they move quick on the gon and hold value very well. I'm using pro gaurdian 2's on my mono amps and vray on everything else.

Yeah, I am actually looking for power cords and a conditioner right now for my ref1000s. I talked to a bel canto dealer in seattle and he recommended the aural symphonics cappuccino power cords. I actually grabbed one for my DAC3 and have been impressed so far. However I would like to get some others recommendations for power cords. I also tried some jena labs basic cryo power cords and could tell little difference from the stock cables. So the search continues.
