High-current tube amps

Are there any good high-current tube amps besides the Bernings? They need enough juice to drive WP7s well.

As background, I understand that WP7s can be driven by a variety of tube amps, even SETs. Just trying to get more info on high-current tube amps here.
First off put your Wilson Audio Tube ports in the head unit to reduce the required damping factor for tube amps. Since you had a Krell amp prior, I would skip the SET unless it is a 45watt or higher SET. Get that sound from your preamp if you crave the SET

I powered my WP7's with a Music Reference RM200 (100watt into 8ohm) which worked pretty good because it put out 145watts (one of the few tube amps that actually increases as ohm load decreases) into 4ohms but this was a very neutral amp.
I preferred the VTL S400 that I heard at my VTL/Wilson Dealer on WP7's but that might be a little large for your listening room (but the autobiasing that is computer controlled and push button Triode feature, made me drool over this amp). Now VTL has a signature version of the MB450's that has computer biasing also (not quite as advanced as the S400's but also very affordable) In my mind that would be the minimum because of the full range nature of the WP7's... Most people that love SET amps (I've enjoyed a few 300B amps too, but they aren't accurate that's for sure) are use to sacrificing the bass and top end but because they are using some monitor or defintely less than full range they don't realize what they are missing. I've heard the big Manley 500's if you want a more tubey (traditional) sound.

My favorite are the VTL's from an operational (not hard on tubes life) and stunning bass (actually stunning full freq range which I find the hardest challenge for any amplifier solid state or tube). If you like the flexibility of high power solid state amps (control, dynamic reserves, ease of matching) The VTL's keep what you like about solid state and add the air and flow of tubes without loosing accuracy. Pair this with a VTL 6.5 or a VTL 7.5 (no fuss tube preamp with Home theater pass through and with only 2 tubes) and you have amazing clarity and incredible soundstaging!
Someday I'll get a VTL preamp for my system.....
Cytocycle ,
I'm not sure I agree with you on the SET not being accurate statement. Just because an amplifier doesn't have the ability to drive certain speakers has nothing to do with how accurate it is. Get the sound of SET from a preamp? I don't think that's possible.

Mated with the proper speaker a SET amp..a good SET can be just as dynamic as a push pull or any other amplifier. And do it with grace few amplifiers can match besides an OTL. I had to throw that plug in for Atmasphere. ;-)

Blanket statements like those can give a false sense of what can actually be obtained by SET or low wattage amplifiers in the proper system. Last time I checked, any amplifier that can do 20hz to 20kHz is basically considered full range. Last time I looked my SET does 12Hz to 35kHz.

My 14 wpc SET hooked to two 8 inch single drivers smokes the Bryston 4B SST mated to Paradigm Signature S8's using eight 7 inch bass drivers in bass extension...no kidding!
Gmood1 has it right.

No amplifier is optimized without a proper speaker match.

And vice versa.
Quite an elegant way to put things, Bill.

You don't see dump truck motors in a Ferrari or vice versa. Maybe people should spend more time worrying about synergy.
Gmood1: And I agree with you about speaker matching which the poster is asking about and I was answering...

What will match with Wilson Watt Puppy 7's? a 14wpc SET will be unsatisfying (and typically won't be accurate trying to drive down to a 2.43ohm load at 70hz on WP's). in my opinion, glad it works for you and it better beat the Bryston!!! but for a Wilson owners coming from a Krell amplifier as is the poster, I am throwing my suggestions.

Ok there might be one exception: Lamm ML2.1 should be able to drive the watt puppy's with 18 watts of SET.