High-current tube amps

Are there any good high-current tube amps besides the Bernings? They need enough juice to drive WP7s well.

As background, I understand that WP7s can be driven by a variety of tube amps, even SETs. Just trying to get more info on high-current tube amps here.
Quite an elegant way to put things, Bill.

You don't see dump truck motors in a Ferrari or vice versa. Maybe people should spend more time worrying about synergy.
Gmood1: And I agree with you about speaker matching which the poster is asking about and I was answering...

What will match with Wilson Watt Puppy 7's? a 14wpc SET will be unsatisfying (and typically won't be accurate trying to drive down to a 2.43ohm load at 70hz on WP's). in my opinion, glad it works for you and it better beat the Bryston!!! but for a Wilson owners coming from a Krell amplifier as is the poster, I am throwing my suggestions.

Ok there might be one exception: Lamm ML2.1 should be able to drive the watt puppy's with 18 watts of SET.
I love VAC amps. The Canary 160s I have now are cut from the same clothe as VAC. Either one would be my vote.
Define "high current." I'm working on a 100kW tube-based amp at work right now =)