Rawson Resale......

I've noticed that no one holds onto a Rawson amp for very long. Everyone raves but can't wait to unload it...now that doesn't make sense. Can someone explain this phenomenon to me?
I have a Rawson gainclone and an F1 clone and they are worth more to me than their respective re-sale values. It is very disappointing that he has retired from the building. I very much hoped to have him build me an F3 before the opportunity was lost.

He was beyond an asset to the audiophile community, bringing DIY pricing to the ham-fisted audiophiles with limited budgets.

It really is too bad he was under constant attack as his efforts were hardly commercial. He really wasn't charging much more than beer money for his time... I imagine amp building for him was like knitting for my wife.


It appears Mr Rawson is selling Nelson Pass designed amplifiers intended for DIY use! I guess there might be some legal or at the very least ethical ramifications here.
Nelson Pass has generously made a number of his designs available to the DIY community.
Yes he has, for DIY only!

Again Mr Rawson is making NP amplifiers for resale that is a breached of the terms on which NP makes his amplifiers available to the DIY community ...

How So , Gopher,

I think your loyalty is misguided , The real asset to the DIY community is Mr Nelson Pass , he is the one who really gives to the DIY community and he charges what?

Yet you rave over Rawson ....... Sad!

NP contributions to the DIY community and to audio on a whole made it possible for you to get what you now rave over, both you and Mr Rawson benefited from such. Not trying to make Mr Rawson out to be a bad person , just setting the record straight.

NP graciously gives , maybe you should pop him an email saying "Thank You " I would .


06-02-10: Gopher
I have a Rawson gainclone and an F1 clone and they are worth more to me than their respective re-sale values. It is very disappointing that he has retired from the building. I very much hoped to have him build me an F3 before the opportunity was lost.

He was beyond an asset to the audiophile community, bringing DIY pricing to the ham-fisted audiophiles with limited budgets.

It really is too bad he was under constant attack as his efforts were hardly commercial. He really wasn't charging much more than beer money for his time... I imagine amp building for him was like knitting for my wife.
