Which amps have 2 sets binding posts per channel

I have a Aragon 3002 that has 2 sets of binding post to the left and 2 sets to the right channel. I like the idea of running 2 pairs of speaker cables to each speaker that is bi-wired. I assume you call this shot-Gun but I was never clear on this after all these years. Am I limited on selection as most I see offer only one set to each channel. I really don't like the idea of piggy backing the spades on one post. I am sure it's just me but I prefer not to do this if I have some choices.
And I do not care for Jumpers even though I have done this in the past.
Just want some options as I am thinking of replacing my Aragon.
Plinius SA series amps have two sets of binding posts for each channel. I've owned several Plinius pieces and found all of them to be a great value on the used market. The SA series also provide the option of running in either Class A or Class A/B.
Lamm amps have this feature as well, and I like it very much for my bi-wired speakers too!

Very convenient, and the speaker wires not only tighten better, but they stay tightened.