Old tube amp?

What tube amps from the past are worth looking at. I decided to give tubes another try and want to try an older design that will not break the bank. Keeping in mind inexpensive retube, don't want to spend too much when tubes need replacing. Speakers: merlin. Pre-amp: simaudio p-5. Present amp is w-5, and it isn't going anywhere as far as I can see. My system is completely acceptable, just want to have some fun experimenting. Had used a CJ premier four in the past, but my source is much improved and cannot say how sim's w-5 compares to cj's four.
Would like to keep it under $1000.
I am also a big fan of the Dyna ST70, but I prefer it stock. It definately has its flaws, and many of the popular mods improve some of these flaws quite a bit. But none of them really transform it into a super-amplifier, and the original design is a masterful work of simplicity and careful compromise. I recommend that you give the original circuit a chance first, so you then have a good understanding of what the modifications are doing.

And while it may push your budget a bit, you should look for McIntoshes as well. You might find an MC240 that sounds great but is cosmetically flawed for pretty close to your price range. They are much more stable, consistent, and reliable than Dynacos, they use extremely common power tubes (6L6s), and they operate the circuit in such a manner that the tubes last much longer as well. Oh and the sonic performance is a HUGE step over a Dyna.
Thanks everyone!!
I'm debating whether I should jump into this with the $1k price point or wait and get some thing better. I was hoping to find something in the joule or cat or atmasphere level but old and for not so much, but that's not going to happen. It'll take more $$ to get to that level. Will I be disappointed if I go with the dynacos, cayins, cj's, berning, prima's, Mc's or scotts? I have a Simaudio now and this one has alot going for it. Nobody mentioned the premier four?
The Dynaco is a good suggestion, but you may also want to look at an original Music Reference RM-10. Like the Dynaco an EL-84 design but with a bit more oomph. I'm looking for one myself.
I re-read your post - if you're keeping the ss amp and adding a tube amp as an alternative "for fun"- I don't think you need to spend a ton. IMHO, you'll very likely see a different side of the VSM with any of the amps under consideration here. I would personally go the EL-34 route in this case, as it will probably provide the most contrast to your ss amp. While you may ultimately prefer more expensive and/or exotic (SET/OTL) designs, I wouldn't presume that that will be the case. I've also used a very expensive Cary 805 SET which also sounds great - but isn't my first choice with these speakers.

I've used Prima Luna monos and a Pancor Dyna re-issue, each with EL-34 outputs. The Dyna allows Pentode or Triode operation. Either way it offers a softer warmer sound than the PL 7 monos. It will almost certainly provide an educational experience when compared to your existing amp.

I understand that the PL 6 monos are biased lower than the 7 which should produce more warmth. I don't know about the stereo amps in the Prima Luna line, but check with Kevin at Upscale (PL importer) for advice. If they share the "warmer" bias scheme, they should also provide a pretty dramatic contrast to your SS amp.

I would also add that PL offers wonderful build quality for the price. Very comforting.

Good luck,

Why not checkout the Baldwin tube amps that Will Vincent rebuilds. The sound is glorious and they fit your budget.