Chris, are you using one with your sound labs? If so, it would explain the high freq. roll off. A lot of tube amps without a tertiary feedback winding will roll off the highs. I agree with Loki1957, but not on electrostats. 'Stats need the power in the highs, not the lows. For your Soundlabs, try a Mac 275 or and EAR 509 or the new Cary that uses 4 kt88's as all of them have the feedback taken off of a third winding which exhibits less phase issues from the capacitive load presented by the electrostatic speakers. Those amps may not have the power you need, but work fine on a Quad 63/988/2908 ect. I am sure that there are others out there. To put into perspective, my EAR 509 (100 w) just cruises along with the Quads, yet the Quads bring my ARC D 250 to it's knees (250 w). I haven't tried the EAR 509 on the A-3's as of yet as I have a repair issue needing to be dealt with. Presently I am using Parasound JC-1's. I have a Defy 7 that is just magical (although tilted towards the mids) on cone speakers.
Ps: Sorry for not having gotten back to you before. I've been slammed at work, and income taxes were just due here in the states- ugh... Feel free to email me about your A-1's as I have just recently purchased a set of A-3's.
Ps: Sorry for not having gotten back to you before. I've been slammed at work, and income taxes were just due here in the states- ugh... Feel free to email me about your A-1's as I have just recently purchased a set of A-3's.