Jadis amplifiers: rolled off treble?

Hi folks (and Jadis aficionados out there), tell me the truth please: do Jadis amplifiers have rolled off treble? Each time I'm listening to one I have this impression. The sound might be glorious (like all Jadis) but... doesn't it sound darker than in real life? Because of this presumed rolled off treble some CD's sound better and overall music sound more pleasant, more like... Jadis.

Yes Jadis amplifiers sounds nice & romantic but has nothing to do with REAL SOUND !
it is simply romantic sound and that is all.
Yes it is on the warm side, you like it or you do not like it.
CJ is lesser warm in sound, but has another kind of golden fluid stereo typed coloured non natural sound als not found in real live music.
The accurate amplifier should show romantic emotions in an accurate uncoloured breathing way, this is only up to the very very top end of solid state power-amps(very expensive)
Not the JA 500.

It is the most realistic linear sounding amp in my stable. It had the Da Hong input stage mod, perhaps this removed some of the above mentioned colorations.

I remember reading HP and he thought the 500 was the more "detailed" amp than the 200 or 80. I find the 500 to breath life into the music without adding any coloration.

There is no top end roll off with the 500.


If you are looking for reality and not tube warmth I suggest the 500.

unless you have taken a spectral analyzer to a concert hall, you have no idea whether high frequencies are attenuated. depending upon your location, high frequencies will be attenuated.

an amplifier which does have a roll off, say atstarting at 200 hz, sounds more natural, relative to a rear location in a concert hall, than a so-called "flat" frequency response.

i would prefer to be able to enjoy the music than suffer through poor recordings.

the issue of "reality" will never be resolved. this subject frequently generates disagreements.

what is more important is finding soime equilibrium between resolution and comfort. each one of us has an optimal level of complexity and intensity that is preferred. if we can can
come close to this ideal, selling equipment and concern about "roll off" will be superfluous.
Good point. May I suggest reading the online TAS review of the LAT 1000 speaker http://www.avguide.com/products/product-3830/ ? The LAT 1000 is also considered by many people a rolled-of speaker.
You're certainly dealing with two incredible products there, Chris.

Others can talk about the potential interaction with the SoundLabs speakers if they are what you are pairing them with. The only thing I can really add is that cabling and the room (most importnatly) are definitely going to figure into things, and a bit of tube rolling may prove enough to change your mind.

I'm not sure what tubes you ran in the JA200, but the DA88S uses KT88, which I find dark/recessed in the mids compared to EL34 tubes. In my experience, Jadis amps sound their best, by far, with EL34 tubes, though you then have to be far more careful in terms of getting the driver tubes right in order to produce the proper low frequency response, which the Jadis are more than capable of.

Peter, did you hear the JA500 with and without the Da Hong modifications? Removing it from my DA60 made all of the difference in the world in my situation. Others have corresponded with me over the years to echo that sentiment. In fact, it was the on the recommendation of a friend that I had my amp set back to "stock", and I can't thank him enough for the performance that wrought.