Best Preamp $2,000.00 budget

I need a tube preamp and would like to know what would be a good (used) buy for around $2,000.00 or so.

Power amp is a 300B Audio Note.

" would be a very small/minimal higher and upper middle range frequencies coloration that I can only describe as edginess or grainy saturation that might be interpret as a extra information or realization of the detail that is actually not there."

I agree 100%.

But it's an easy fix. I replaced the stock pot with a DACT and that fixed the problem. The stock pot is a cheap Alps pot and the DACT makes a significant difference. The Alps pot sounds fuzzy, edgy, hazy, dirty, (take your pick), but the DACT is clean as a whistle. That's doesn't mean sterile, but rather clearer.
FWIW - I was speaking to Israel Blume about his speakers and when I mentioned I was also trying to get a full function preamp he recommended the Doge 8. Its offered here on Audiogon I believe via Pacific Valve (Joezillax) and is uner $1500 with a trial period offer. It does look impressive and there have been some good reports on the Doge CDP on the Digital forum here.
Fiddler, glad that you have overcome this "problem".
I was also thinking about having Bob ( my favorite modder/technician ) check what could be done to make it even better but gave up on that idea ( it could be my mistake). Got Granite instead. Which is fine. In the midtime I was tring to sell my (IMO) Ref 40 phono which is great ( heard it in demo plenty ) since
770fp has phonostage buid in but it was kind of slow (sell wise). This fact kind of moved me in this new direction. Funny thing is that at the ending time of my ad, all sleepy dwarfs woke up and were interested. Too bad since I have already made arrangements to trade my Granite for new preamp (linestage). So Ref 40 is staying (which is really a big relief since I kind of liked it) and battery powered preamp is coming in. ( those wise , probably can figure out which preamp - sent email for 100 points reward ).
I want to hear what the buzz is all about and how eliminating AC will affect performance. Just another experience in my book, that is all. But who knows it might be an interesting experience after all.

I would really like to know how this DO.. battery powered preamp sounds to you. Keep us posted if you will.
