Advice sought (Garrard Zero 100)

I have inherited a Garrard Zero 100 turntable that will be restored shortly, and I was wondering if anyone had some thoughts on particular vintage/new amps/preamps that would work well with that turntable. I don't claim to know much in this arena and I would greatly appreciate any and all comments about this.
You'll have to decide what cartridge will work well(regarding resonance) with the tonarm's effective mass(hi/med/low compliance), whether it will be MM or MC. If it's MC: what MC head-amp matches the cartridge's output best(hi/med/low gain). The Shure V15 line of cartridges was used very effectively in your particular table for years, and is even still mentioned on the site:( Pursuing that combo may save you a lot of headaches. Your pre-amp/integrated/receiver will need to have a phono stage, or you'll have to run one outboard. The rest of the considerations are common to all of us as far as system compatability/synergy.
i've got some boston T830s; i've heard good things about them but haven't used them yet.
I never thought the Boston speakers sounded like music(recessed midrange, muddy, rolled off highs, Then again there are those out there that like the system to sound "laid back", so it becomes a matter of your personal tastes. Do you listen to any live music? To me- That's the reference. There we be a number in here that will say that's wrong for a plethora of reasons, but- who cares?(live music's my reality) It would be good to take your Bostons around and listen to them compared to other brands when you are auditioning electronics. Find a dealer that will let you listen undisturbed for awhile. There are a lot of speakers/electronics out there that sound exciting at first, but get fatiguing very quickly. Take some recordings with you that you know are of high quality(that eliminates at least one variable between stops). How much do you intend to spend?