Advice sought (Garrard Zero 100)

I have inherited a Garrard Zero 100 turntable that will be restored shortly, and I was wondering if anyone had some thoughts on particular vintage/new amps/preamps that would work well with that turntable. I don't claim to know much in this arena and I would greatly appreciate any and all comments about this.
You'll have to decide what cartridge will work well(regarding resonance) with the tonarm's effective mass(hi/med/low compliance), whether it will be MM or MC. If it's MC: what MC head-amp matches the cartridge's output best(hi/med/low gain). The Shure V15 line of cartridges was used very effectively in your particular table for years, and is even still mentioned on the site:( Pursuing that combo may save you a lot of headaches. Your pre-amp/integrated/receiver will need to have a phono stage, or you'll have to run one outboard. The rest of the considerations are common to all of us as far as system compatability/synergy.
i've got some boston T830s; i've heard good things about them but haven't used them yet.