best inexpensive tube integrated

I just bought a pair of klipsch heresy speakers in mint condition for a bargin. Ive always wanted to experiment with tube amplification and I think now is the time. I know very little about them(tubes) and want to try them out at a minimum of expense. I paid 350 for the speakers and therefore would like to keep my budget below 700 for a tube integrated. I am not against used equipment. Is it worth a try or is my budget too low to jump into tubes? suggestions please!
Used Cayin, Jolida, or Primaluna will serve you nicely. I particularly like the Jolida 302 - you can sometimes even find the newer version w/ remote control in your price range.
A wonderful choice would be an Eico HF-81. It might run a little more than $700, but it achieves a magic that latter-day tube integrateds don't quite match.
Gotta give a Consonance M100Plus a try. Killer for the money. For nicer build and looks, the Cayin T30 is really good but doesn't quite have the resolution of the M100. I had a Jolida 202 for a while and thought it was barely OK in comparison.

If you like the magic of EL84 tubes (6BQ5) the little Jolida 102B integrated is great and can be found used occasionally here on Audigon for $350-$450.
If you don't know tubes, I'm against vintage for you. Too much tweaking and maintenance. You easily can find a Jolida in that range. All you need is 8 watts per channel with Klipsch. 40 watts will make them scream. Another solution is a pre and power combo with the pre being tubed? I know of an AR SP2C and PSE studio IV (class A) that you could get in your price range?