Tubed Pre match with a Spectron Musician IIISE?

That economic stimulus check will soon be burning a hole in my pants. Wondering about a good tubed preamp (prefer balanced connections) match with the Spectron IIISE. Associated equipment: Cambridge 840C CDP and Von Schweikert 4SR speakers.
Sure, I will write a review of that preamp once I receive it. It will be made using signature double c-cores throughout, relay based remote control, mundorf silver-oil caps in the power supply, no caps in the signal path (transformer coupled).
I definitely heard changes in my Spectron's sound with time. Sound is more organic, initially it was cooler sounding than it is now. Now it's just perfect, and it keeps getting better (!!!). I have around 200 hours on it, but it has the v-cap/bybee upgrade. Didn't try them in monoblock mode (second amp is still sealed) because I lack the proper cabling and I will soon move my stereo in a new listening room.
When do you anticipate taking delivery on your preamp from Promitheus? Can't wait to read your assessment...feel like a voyeuristic kid in a candy store.
Yesterday I was talking to Simon from Spectron and he recommended Promitheus as a nice inexpensive pre-amp to use with their amps.

I've been using the Promitheus Reference C-core TVC since I got my first Musician III SE. I'm using all balanced interconnects throughout the system.

It's quite puzzling to me that something so affordable could sound so good. It simply lets the signal from the source get to the amps without adding anything, and most importantly, without removing anything.

This TVC is completely quiet using the balanced interconnects. I've been trying all along to find any area that it may be compromising, but to these ears it gets most of the things right. It doesn't have the mid-range magic that tubes provide, but it's close to it. And it does this while maintaining deep, controlled, fast, and articulate bass. The highs are crystal clear without being edgy or mechanical. The sound is simply completely clean from top to bottom.

I tried this TVC with single ended interconnects and it was picking up some hum if I set the volume almost all the way up without music playing. This disappeared entirely when I switched to balanced interconnects.

The one major requirement for this TVC to work is that you need to have enough gain in the system. Without enough gain, it might not do what it's supposed to do.
I have two preamps I hasve used with my Musician III Mark 2. My Bent TAP sounds great with it, but the perfect match in my system is my main preamp, the dual mono Modwright LS 36.5 2 box. Although beyond our budget, the one box LS 36.5 can be found for only $500-$750 or so more than your budget.