Tubed Pre match with a Spectron Musician IIISE?

That economic stimulus check will soon be burning a hole in my pants. Wondering about a good tubed preamp (prefer balanced connections) match with the Spectron IIISE. Associated equipment: Cambridge 840C CDP and Von Schweikert 4SR speakers.
I used Herron VTSP-3 tube pre with Spectron , connect with RCA interconnect . Extremely good results. Better than ARC Ref 3 in my setup (more airy & detail , more musical , more dynamic as well) .
I am using the BAT VK31SE with my Spectron MIIISE with excellent result. In fact, according to Simon in Spectron, they uses BAT preamp for testing. They have very good sound and imped. matching between BAT and Spectron. I am extremely happy with this pair up..
During CES 2009 new "The Killer" tube preamp will be introduced - not terribly cheap but not ultra expensive.
Some auditioned it with Spectron monoblocks and "fainted"
Have a bit of the patience......

All The Best
P.S. May be some of you know that Simon Thacher of Spectron "golden standard" was REX by BAT ($20k) and no other preamp came even close .... not anymore and not for $20k either! (not even close).
Who makes the "Killer"? Why so secretive: it's a preamp. Will it be intro'd at CES or T.H.E Show?