digital Amp. Going green

Any thing out there between $3000 to $5000 in the digital amp arena that has altered your desire for using tube base amplification?
With the new RWA amps, they feature a SMART module that automatically turns off the amp if the battery voltage drops too low, so you dont have to worry about accidentally killing the battery. I believe the life of the battery is 2 to 4 years and the cost is cheap at around $20 each times two batteries = $40. My 30.2 manual states that the batteris are user replaceable and gives directions to replace them when the time comes. Seems easy enough.

- Nate
"An amplifier IMO is the least of our problems. If you want to decrease your carbon footprint you have to look at your entire picture. Your amp is probably .05%."

Absolutely true. I also like the idea of low consumption but one must really look at the big picture first. Those unneeded car trips, idling at the store or school waiting for whoever, the drive-throughs while you wait for the pimply-faced youth to find the pickles.

The "I don't like white light so I won't use energy efficient bulbs" argument, the constant lawn sprinking even when it's raining (I am in Atlanta where the drought is serious and is going to get worse, and still people water their lawns like there's no tomorrow), the Hummers and other behemoths "because I can"... the list goes on and on and on.

We Americans are the most wasteful people on this planet by far... 5% of the population consuming 20% or more of resources. A combination of ignorance and arrogance if you ask me.

Green amps... sure, why not? Helps the conscience at least. Don't forget to plug them into that power regenerator that drinks the juice by the gallon!
Ok, replaceable batteries but what happens when Red Wine Audio is no longer, lets say 5 years done the road. You have retired and because you were foolish and through what little hard earned money you had on this relentless habit, you can't be running out and dropping another $5000 on a new amp. Lets face it, it has to stop sometime. Will there be a replacement battery available? Call me paranoid, but that's exactly what happened to my Shanling SACD player. It stopped working and they will not fix it because they no longer make that model; It's only a year and a half years old! Are there any reassurances?