Best tube amp for Wilson Watt/Puppy

Hello Friends,

Would anyone help me what is the best tube amp for Wilson Watt/Puppy.(exculde Lamm and under $10.000.00 new)

How about Cary 805ae and Melody pm845?

Wilson is not voiced specifically with Audio Research. That is only one of many companies used fyi.

BAT and VTL have worked well in my experience. Lamm also sounds
Thank you every one here, you guys are very knowledgeable. Learn a lot from you guys.Thank you!
This morning I got the deal done with Robert at Audio eden, I buy his DeHavilland GM70 he has listed last night.I'll let you guys know when I receive it and how it match my W/P 7.
Please let us know your impressions. I've had my eye on the deHavilland gear, especially the 30 watt amps. Thanks.