Integrated for Zu Presence

Hello all---i am thinking of purchasing these speakers for my next system. Looking to couple a tube integrated with it in <4k range thereby making it a nice, simple system. Any recommendations? I am considering Cary, Vac, etc.


whats up? what happened to the wilson/bat stuff? this is a radical move.....the integrateds named are great.
i sold them many moons ago as i believed at the time i was going to move to another state----things have changed and i am staying put, so i am thinking of going the high efficiency route.


Do it.. Looks like there is a first pair used up for sale right now you can probably get a deal on... I would look at the Cayin A-70T amp, getting a ton of great reviews, built awesome, good power, good features including a remote and can be switched from Triode to ultralinear etc... to nail down the sweetest or the most powerful sound, you can audition one for like 1900.00 brand new too.

Good Luck