Is upgrading stock tubes standard proceedure?

I'm just wondering if I'm the last guy to realize just how enormous an improvement can be had by upgrading stock tubes to NOS. Most of my system has been in place for some time now and I've sought to improve it's performance by tweaking. Tube changes have resulted in noticeable but subtle results; most of the time involving trade-offs... until now. I just upgraded the 6922s in my cj Premier 17LS to Amperex 6DJ8s with stunning results. I can't find any trade-offs, everything desirable in audio is improved IMHO. This is the kind of improvement I would have been looking for if I bought a new preamp and spent twice the money. As much as I've read about tube rolling, based on what I'm experiencing now, there isn't enough emphasis, especially by professional reviewers.

So, I guess my purpose in writing this thread is two fold:

1) Why don't tubes receive at least the same attention as the equipment they're in.

2) Just a heads-up in case there is anyone else out there who thinks they can't justify $100 or more for a small tube.

I just purchased another set of NOS Mullards 12AX7 & (1) GE 5751 for the phono stage of my CJ PV-12. With all of the recent modifications I had completed to the phono stage the CJ will rock even more. :O)
While it is true that McIntosh amps don't show as much improvement when changing power cords, I beg to differ on tubes.

My McIntosh 2102 amps do embrace NOS tubes and yes it does show...perhaps not as much as with my Audio Aero Capitole amp, but anyone still running the stock Chinese Tubes with this amp needs to go shopping for NOS.
Boy I wouldn't have thought that a NOS tube could make a difference but now I have found religion.

My expience with a Monarchy NM24 that has had some very favorable reviews. They come with some Phillips military spec NOS.....not bad and for a reasonable cost...a good choice. I just thought I would try to improve the sound and puchased some NOS tubes.

Amperex Holland bugle boys 1960's
Amperex 7308 USA PQ's
1950 D getter Amperex
and another early Phillips NOS

The difference between all was a eye-opener and the winner by a mile was the D-getter followed by the BB's although not nearly as open....The 7308 PQ's were good but 3rd and the Phiilips 4th.

In the Monarchy the D-getter was a relevation and if the stock tubes get good guess is current production standards are what they used to be and that is sad because there's got to be a market as NOS tubes just keep going up. Alas like all good things.

And another observation.....the D-getter Monarchy gets blown into the weeds by my newly upgraded Accuphase C200 manufactured in 1975-76 go figure.

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