tube ringing?

Hi folks, recently I replaced my Accuphase preamp with a CAT SL-1 Signature Mk III. My power amplifier is a Gruensch CSE II se and speakers are Soundlab A-1's. Speaker cable is Cardas Golden Cross. First I have to say that I hear a significant improvement over the Accuphase and I think it is a matter of pre/poweramp matching. The sound is quite good now but... with female voices for example Barbara Streisand I hear that the 600-800Hz region is emphasized. It reminds me of some ringing. Could this be ringing of the tubes inside the CAT? Or is it just room acoustics thing?

If you tubes are microphonic and ringing it should be obvious. One idea is to listen to a CD at a level high enough to induce the problem and then pause and listen for a risidual ringing. If you have dead silence right after the pause than your tubes are probably okay.

Try Herbie's tube dampers on the preamp tubes. Cheap & effective. Cheers,

Is this a hollow sound to the voices like they are in a tunnel ? If you cup your hands say and hold the word hello then then bring your hands together from each side of your mouth does this create a similar sound? If so I had the same problem and started moving my speakers away from the back wall until I felt the voices sounded natural.