Preamp Experiences with Atma-sphere Amps

I have finally swapped my CATJL2s for Atma-sphere M-60s and with my Merlin VSM-MXEs they are a revelation. Both are world class amplifiers, but I now beleive that IF you speakers are OTL friendly, it is hard to beat OTLs for speed, clarity, transparency, etc. In other words, I love them with the Merlins.

I would like to hear from those that have experimented with preamps that match well with the Atma amps, including the Atma pres versus others, and passive pre experiences if you have tried it. Right now I'm using a Joule LA-150 MKII that is single-ended and sounds fantastic and quiet so I'm not sure that simply running quieter with balanced outs is a goal, but I'm open. I'm single sourced with Accustic Arts transport and DAC with at least 2V output (might be higher)but it does seem the Atmas need some gain to drive them with their highes input sensitivity. Thanks in advance for your collective wisdom and experiences.
I was using an ARC Ref1 with my M60MkIII's. After a discussion with Ralph I decided to try out an MP3. WOW! More transparency, detail, air, better sound stage and better defined bass that left me wondering why I needed a sub? You'll hear things in your music that you never knew were there before! I run 30' MIT 350 REF XLR between the MP3 and M60's. I sold my Ref1 along with some spare tubes and came out a $1000 on the plus side. An MP1 is in the long range future. The Atma-Sphere pre's will accept single ended inputs directly through the monitor inputs. My MSB Plat Plus DAC has a very high output and the MP3 handles it very well. If you decide on an MP3, try to find one that has the Regulator upgrade and V-Caps.
Mrderrick, or others, do you think the Atma pre works very well with the Atma amp, but might not be so strong with other amps? I real matter of synergy.
I've used a Conrad Johnson ACT2 with both the M-60s and the MA-1s - both of those the mk.III versions. Though the cabling was limited to single-ended RCA, with 3 meter ICs the CJ had a good grip on the amps. Its a preamp flush with virtues and they and all that wonderful OTL transparency came through in spades.

However, in my opinion - and not to put too fine a point on it - there is a really obvious synergistic choice for your situation and that is the MP-1. I cannot think of another sub-$20k preamp I'd pick ahead of it to drive the M-60s.

I tried my friends Atmasphere preamp (its there 15,000.00 one) with my VTL 450 monoblocks in balanced mode. I could not use it because it created a lot of hum. I am using a Audio Research Ref 2 mark 2 in balanced mode and it sounds wonderful. I have had several balanced preamps in my system with out hum. I think Atmasphere scheme on the balanced connector is not what most people in the industry uses. Ralph says otherwise, but the proof is in the pudding.
I've heard that that the atma-sphere is potentially hum sensitive depending on the tubes used in it. More sensitive to tube matching and selection.