Preamp Experiences with Atma-sphere Amps

I have finally swapped my CATJL2s for Atma-sphere M-60s and with my Merlin VSM-MXEs they are a revelation. Both are world class amplifiers, but I now beleive that IF you speakers are OTL friendly, it is hard to beat OTLs for speed, clarity, transparency, etc. In other words, I love them with the Merlins.

I would like to hear from those that have experimented with preamps that match well with the Atma amps, including the Atma pres versus others, and passive pre experiences if you have tried it. Right now I'm using a Joule LA-150 MKII that is single-ended and sounds fantastic and quiet so I'm not sure that simply running quieter with balanced outs is a goal, but I'm open. I'm single sourced with Accustic Arts transport and DAC with at least 2V output (might be higher)but it does seem the Atmas need some gain to drive them with their highes input sensitivity. Thanks in advance for your collective wisdom and experiences.
I use a Shunyata Helix Python on my MP-1, with that plugged into a Hydra V-Ray, and Shunyata Helix Taipans on MA-1 amps.

Significant improvement came with insertion of NOS 6SN7s in the line stage and NOS 12AT7s in the phono section of the MP-1. Likewise for NOS 6SN7s in the MA-1s. The Atma's are as sensitive (if not moreso) to tube selection as any gear I've owned and in my system swapping out some of the stock Chinese 6SN7s paid big dividends. (But neither PCs or tubes told just how good are the Atma-Sphere electronics until I added several Real Traps in my room.)

I take tube choices and power cords as largely a matter of personal taste. Mine include a Sylvania GTA or RCA GTB driver in the MA-1 along with Sylvania and Ken-Rad VT231s. Likewise in the MP-1, strategic placement of a single Ken-Rad or Raytheon VT231 in each channel of the line stage improved both the top-end air and sweetness of orchestral and other acoustic recordings, along with lower register tautness and timbre. Discussion of phono stage 12AT7s in the MP-1 probably warrant their own thread, but to drop a few names: Seimens, Sylvania and Mullard.

Pubul57 - how do you find the MP-3 compared with the Joule?

I can't tell if I'm hearing what I expect to be hearing, but it is the classic Joule/Atma divide one a bit warmer and more colorful, the other very transparent and incredible low level resolution - you can guess which is which./? I'm going to use the Joule with my Music Reference RM9SE for a slightly warmer and fleshier portrayl and the Atma/Atma for transparency and soundstage detail and air. Both great and slightly different flavors, heck if could choose one over the other. The Atma is newer for me me and I'm smitten with what an OTL can do, but really, hard to choose between them.
Oh just go ahead and get some Joule OTLs and go head to head with the Atma OTLs. That should be some fun.
Indeed, and I could get rid of my furnace in the winter time. Tony, I somehow suspect that I may very well have to try the faceoff someday.
What 6sn7s have you been succesful with in the MP-1. I'm using Early Sylvania 6sn7 gtb and they sound very good to me and quiet as far as I can tell. I'm using RCA Clear Tops for the 12au7 position (no phone stage).