What's the best Phono preamp under $1000??

What should I expect to pay to get something decent?

Thanks in advance. Dave Taylor, chicago
Have been seriously considering Dodd phono.....however , until I can justify the move in that direction - Consonance Ref. 40 is still my reference. Owning Dodd preamp and the concept of running on batteries is very appealing though. Those with Dodd phono - I assume it is very quiet......
Does any one have pictures with the cover off ???

Mrjstark, shoot me an email and I'll send you some pictures. Dodd only have 50dB gain and a fixed 47kOhm load. But I have made some suggestions to Gary how to make the unit more flexible, I wanted him to add some kind of a binding posts so I can swap resistors on the fly, he seemed to be excited about it and would probably do so when he builds his next one.

For a picture of how the Dodd phono looks like from outside, see here:
I'm with Dcroft, the Graham Slee Era Gold V. Detail, warmth, soundstage, depth, easy to listen to. I am using a MMF-7 with the standard tonearm and Eroica cartridge. It is all about the synergy of turntable-tonearm-cartridge-cable-phono stage. Wow! That's a lot of trial and error! But, it works for me. It's also about your ears and what kind of sound they like.
new marchand tube phono stage. i own it. it uses 12 volt tubes--either 12ax7, 12at7, 12au7 or 12ay7.
Thanks Viper_z - cool pics.

I spoke to Gary earlier today about possibility of building phonostage for my specific requirements. He gladly agreed.....you must admire his willingness to take the extra mile to satisfy his customers and progressive approach to develope new exciting products.

As you know, my main concerns were the limited gain of stock Dodd phonostage and ability to handle my Denon 103r and Ortofon MC2000MK II cartridges without the need of third party step-up transformers.

Due to limited space inside the phonostage there is possibility that custom up-T will have to be enclosed in seperate box. It will still be powered by the same batteries that are the phonostage's main power supply.....Cool.



I know Gary will hate me for this but hey.......

Those that were thinking about Dodd battery powered linestage that was on special for limited time for $2495 from original $3300........Hurry.
That special ended a month and a half ago. Underwood got few last pieces and Gary has to honor that special price due to slow upgrade and redesign of his new website.....it won't less forever .....so act fast.
