Amp for Verity Audio Sarastro

Hello my friends!

Recently I acquired the Verity Audio Sarastro and although I'm very happy with my amps concerning most of their attributes I would like more power. Actually I would like a lot more power. My amps, Mcintosh MC2102 and C2200 although they are very good with 60% of the music I'm listening they lack what is needed to perform rock music at realistic SPL's. My speakers are 93 db. So I suppose 200-300W would be more than enough. On the other hand I like the natural timbre my amps produce!

So my question is: What amp do you suggest that can drive my speakers to the limits even with music like Metallica with a sweet midrange? I would like to hear the kick drum as a kick drum but not lose the immediacy the valves produce... Am I asking too much?Lets say my budget is around 20.000 $ (so LAMM hybrids are excluded, hehehe). Opinions from people who have heard Verity Audio speakers with different amps would be highly appreciated.

Thanks a lot for your answers.


Guys thanks a lot for your anwsers!


Do you think that with a solid state Mcintosh I will retain the sweet midrange but also drive my speakers to their limits?


I have heard the Sarastro performing rock amazing with the LAMM monoblocks, before I purchased it. Rock solid - earth shaking kick drum. So I know this can be achieved.

Oregon and Lappiere I'll try to see if the Joule amp is represented here in Greece and see what happens.

Has any of you heard the aesthetix hybrid ATLAS ne amp together with the Calypso pre-amp?I could easily get hold of that for a listen.

In any case I wont do any fast moves cause except the impact on certain kind of music on most of the music I'm listening I'm completely satisfied!

Thanks again my friends!!!!!!!!!:)
Opinions from people who have heard Verity Audio speakers with different amps would be highly appreciated
Well, I've heard VA spkrs (the ones with the 15" woof bass reflex cabinet) and actually liked what I heard, excepting the average dynamics. So here goes:

1) Objective was to replace a Krell amp the owner did not like. An impressive number of amps were offered for trial (provided by dealers of course). Many European, btw.
2) Cutting to the chase, here's what was musically good with these spkrs AFAI remember:
a)Lamm's hybrid amps -- probably available used for well below yr budget. Nice tunes. Some dynamics.
b)The ridiculously big VTL 750 mentioned above. Overkill perhaps but the sound was OK and Mahler was not lacking. Nor was BB King live. I still think the Lamm was slightly better but slightly harsher than the VTL
c) Atma 60 watters. Amazingly, a very good choice if low on output power -- only for quiet listening.
d) An ss YBA 600W or 1kW power amp ("passion"). That was impressive. Impressively expensive as well.
e) A Symphonic Line class A amp (that's german SS). That too was impressive, less powerful than the above. Impressively expensive.
f) FM acoustics 80W (Don't remember the model). Strangely, the result with this amp was slightly on the edgy side. Very impressive sense of clarity though.

By the way, the spkrs I heard were reasonably sensitive (more than yours I think) and the use of high powered amps really only served to provide better control over the big woof. Mind you, if you want concert levels these are not yr spkrs -- they'll blow before they go too loud. Regards
Michael how about some dedicated power lines for the future tube amp(s)? If not, a power regenerator may help your tube amps keep consistent current.
Lappiere I have a dedicated line. I doubt the lack of the filter is problem. Cause that could give me only an increment of more power. I need some serious power amp!!

Gregm thanks a lot for your time my friend, very interesting findings. What do you mean when you say these amps are expensive?How expensive? I'll try to audition some of the amps you mentioned. But as I understood Krell is definitely not an option!


LAMM M 2.2 or LAMM 1.2 ref. will do the job got my V.A. OVATION dream match with LAMM M 2.2 voicing voicing and voicing