Integrated Amp Bargains with good balanced sound?

I could not find any info in archives, so I am starting this thread.
I am using Rega P3, Sonus Faber Concertino spkrs. ,but my amp is junk. 15 years old small Yamaha (part of a bookshelf system).
I don't have a big budget ,so i am mostly looking for Ebay bargains.
Someone out there must know what are the GREAT BAragain Integrated Amps I could find in under $500.00/600.00 category?
Something not vintage but a few years old.
I appreciate everyone's advice.
Thank you for your answers. You do not think conditioned power supply form the Amp's transformer would benefit the sound?
Not trying to argue. I am just new to the whole Audio analog hobby.
Aside from simple convenience is there significant benefit in having power coming from the Amp rather than from the wall outlet?

Onkyo cost/feature is really attractive, but my Audio store in Boston does not stock Denon Onkyo Yamaha brands is it because they don't want to compete with Large electronic chain stores?
I used to have a Audio refinement and I am sorry I sold it!! Get one you wont be sorry, you would have so spend a lot even used to do better, the AR complete can be bought for about 450 500 used,to do better used you would have to spend almost triple! I am thinking the next level up would be a Manely Stingray which goes for about 1400 used.This amp while not expensive now soon will be just like the old dynaco st-70 amps getting 700 used new sthey werer under 200.They stopped making the audio refinement and the new amp they make from what I read is not up to stuff,the complete really should have sold for about $1500 new,the only other amp that comes close is the Krell 300i but it will cost you about $900-$1000 used and yes it's better much more power and great bass with lots of air,good luck,Nick

Dkzzz - the AC outlets on the back of the amp are not tapped into the amp's transformers, they're connected to the incoming AC from the wall outlet.
Looked into monster of an Amp Denon PMA 2000, but read only bad reviews form audiophiles and good feedback form Heavy metal guys. Decided to stay away from Denon.
Considered Onkyo A9555, but the price of 440 retail made me skeptical. Reviews form audiophiles confirmed my suspicion that Onkyo is good for watching DVDs and not for listening to classical music from records.
Will be looking for used Rotel, Musical Fidelity or Audio refinement . Trying to stay around $500.00 for Integrated-Amp.
Other advice/suggestions are very welcome and appreciated.

This forum has been a great help . I love it.
Here is an update:
I got Music Hall 25.2 Amp and small Yamaha bookshelf speakers (for now while I am looking for real speakers)).
I swapped speakers for fun and was faced with a very rude awakening. My S. F. Concertino Home speakers are peace of horse manure. They sound like two plastic buckets wrapped in leather and mahogany. Bassy, boomy, bloomy and rolled off on tops. Nothing except bass guitar and drums sounds natural on them.

I also bought (stole) Audio Refinement Complete on ebay and going to compare it to Music Hall integrated.
I hope to end up with some nice gear at the end : something like ATC SCM20 speakers and Krell 300 or Musical Fidelity 300 or YBA Passion since these three are easiest to try and re-sell.