Krell kav-400xi with show case dvd or dvd standad?

i just bought a Krell kav-400xi, i also ordered a pair of b&w cm1.
now i need a cd/dvd player.
1. krell showcase dvd about $850 used
2. krell dvd standard about $1500 used
which one should i take? i play 70% music (cd and ipod) and 30% movie.
thank for your input.
Hi W,

Well I don't have the standard yet.But Showcase works great for me.I don't even have it connected to TV, Home Theater yet.
Been strictly listenning to it through Krell 300i. Works great. I think it is the best combination if you pair Krell source with Krell amp and rememer use balance cable, not RCA. I've been complaining a lot about the weak bass response of the Proac R3, but after I got the Showcase,everything is taken care. Thanks...Ducchau.
i just read Dave's post, he has 4 krell 400xi at home, but i am not sure if he has dvd standard or showcase to compare side by side.
I own the SACD standard and have had the DVD Standard home as well....the CD section's are very close, both better than the showcase by far!!
I have the 400xi and the Showcase DVD and they sound great together. Never had the Standard, so can't comment there...
For a smaller system, i would get the Showcase and spend the savings elsewhere...

There is no way the is a huge difference in the standard and showcase. This is 2008, amazing equipment at low cost. The difference between these both very high priced items are audible at best. Huge difference would be a $49.00 dvd player vs. the standard. To say its a huge difference is saying the showcase totally sucks and wouldnt be worth spending, $49 for it.