Where are you today?

I am curious how many of you have switched from solid state to tubes or vice-versa and why, maybe you haved moved onto an integrated amp. Are you satisfied with what are you currently using and is this gear keeping you happy. Or for some of you, is the current state of the economy effecting your purchases?
I am currently going through changing out my entire system. Assuming things sell for anywhere near I think they should. Speakers are sold (have deposit) and next will be amp and pre-amp; keeping my cd player and cabling for now. I am down sizing because I don't listen enough to justify the money I have sitting there.
Portal Paladin SS monoblocks and VTL 2.5 tube preamp and tube phono stage driving Magneplanar 1.6s. Simply a wonderful system.
Tried a few SS setups and heard a few more , some megabuck , heard that is ! Finally found a tube dealer .
Simplified the setup with an integrated tube amp , put it with a synergistic speaker and am now enjoying the music !
Not even thinking about upgrades for over 2 years now .
Switched to tubes about 18 months ago from Threshold Class A ss, and I would not go back to ss until ss can match the reproduction of the decay of notes like tubes. The reproduction of the decay of sound is the biggest difference IMO. That said, there are a multitude of fantastic choices of both tube and ss amps and pre amps available at all price ranges. The biggest key is matching that gear to one's speakers.
My last move was from SS amp to tube amp, I've long been a fan of tube preamps. I am satisfied and happy, but that doesn't mean nothing will change.
I would say that yes, the economy is affecting my purchases, and I don't see any upgrades in the future due to it. I'm more likely to follow Czbbcl and downsize than move upstream. At this point in time I'll just sit with what I have and enjoy it though.
