Spectron Musician III SE Mk.2? What Changed?

I see at the Spectron site that they have released a Mark 2 edition of the Musician III SE. But there isn't any discussion of what has actually changed in the amp besides the price, which is now $7195 up from $6495. If anyone knows what the new changes are, I would really love to know.
Either he has a great sense of humor or the spectron rep is an ass. 7 grand is a ton a cash to throw down on a piece of gear. You would think people would be a little more sensative to price increases. Especially considering the options for equipment in the seven thousand dollar range and the state of the economy. That is a great way to upset future customers. Maybe the readers of this thread, including myself, are just taking his comments wrong. Sometimes things are lost in translation, hope thats the case.
I am a dealer for Spectron and if you are interested in the details of the upgrade before potentially purchasing this amp (it does sound good but I know everyone was looking for more) just email me.


Precision Audio Design
Business must be great at Spectron. I guess their long waiting list of orders can afford them the luxury of being flippant with potential buyers.


Sorry could not get not back earlier. I will post information describing the changes we made in Mk2 in a few day as I am very busy at the moment.

My reply to BR who is asking "what am I paying more money for" is that most definitely its not for three capacitors, four resistors, two inductors and additional half pound of the power supply.

In general when you intend to pay any money for an amplifier I strongly suggest to look on two things:

First, as engineer, I want to know "the edge of the envelope" that this amplifier can reach. I wonder how wide is its bandwidth, I wonder if its peak current is "staggering" 100 A then for how long - 10 msec or 500 msec because I know in one case its real ability to deliver current and in other is just marketing.
I want to know distortion level and not at meaningless 10 watts but AT FULL OUTPUT, I want to know not only at 1 kHz but at 20 kHz as well. I want know its ability to be stable at difficult loads etc.

Second, knowing what this amplifier is capable of, as a pianist and music lover - I don't care about technical details, I want to listen to it and have experience close as possible to that I have during the live concert; I want my heart to beat rapidly and my knees to shake, I want to feel dizzy....

Next, I would like to know what is the service policy of the company if something goes wrong. What its history, its warranty: on the product, as it should be, or for "original owner" only etc.

Finally, I would see if I can afford this amplifier, does it too heavy, does it appearance meets my requirement and any other thing important to me.

As I said I will post the info regarding the Mk2 in a few days.


P.S. I know what out users were looking for when they were searching for their amplifiers. I would LOVE to see discussion among audiophile what kind of amplifier you are looking for ( beside one you can afford - this I understand too well when I search for my speakers and front end)?
As Simon stated, non audiophile engineers (which is most of them) are only interested in measurements and schematics and there is only one answer to one question they want to know: does it work? That's why those people have portable radios, ghetto blasters and other cheap (or antique) crap at home for hearing some music: they are not interested in high quality sound/music reproduction.
audiophiles are people who are not technique oriented (well, most of them are truly electronic nitwits like me) but they seem to be interested in some kind of high quality music reproduction. They even believe in unmeasurable things like musicality, warmth and "soundstage".
Simon is both an engineer and audiophile, so that makes his position a bit unique among the regular Audiogon forum participators :)
