Integrated amps on a 1,000 dollar budget

Hi everybody, I have b and w dm 602 s3 loudspeakers which I love. However my prepro combo is a rotel 1080 rb amp and 1070 preamp. While I love he speakers, the amp and pre are very forward sounding and fatiguing for my tastes. Also I will be going away to college next year and would liek to have an integrated to save space. Althogh I know my prepro is quality equipment, its just not my taste. I am looking for a warm integrated, easy, relaxing and musical to listen to. That being the reason I am strongly considering a tube integrated. I am in the market for used or new with a budget of 1000 dollars, approximately what I plan to sell my separates for which are in mint condition. Can anyone reccommend an integrated within my budget known for its warmth and musicality keeping in mind used is ok for me and considering my speakers. Thank you very much.
It's mine, but chech out the Plinius 8100 that's for sale. A great int. amp.
Good luck with your quest.
I forgot to add that Plinius amps as shown in the links above are also worth considering. They have a nice warm signature.
I will third the Primaluna Prologue 2 . Roll the input tubes for a little more warmth and body .

Good luck .
I own B&W 602s3's. I used to also run Rotel gear.
Finally settled on a Bryston B-60. Absolutely love the sound!!
Good luck
Arcam mates very well with the 602. Great sound and build quality. It would be perfect plug and play , easy to use, no tubes, compact. You can get a Diva for well below $1,000.00