While listening to my system my Rhea blew up

I was preparing to put a record on the TT (system was on for approx 35 min already) and spark/pop/smoke came form the Rhea. I shut everything off and after a few minutes tried to see where the smoke came from. I could not detect if it was from a tube blowing up (a real spark!!) or from a cap etc???

I will ultimately need to return it to my dealer but was curious (Jim White are you around?) as to what it might be.

RWD (Rick)
Aesthetix can be tough to get hold of -last I looked they didn't have their own web site - but don't be alarmed. You may need to go through the distributor, but in the end Jiim is a great customer service guy. Based on my experience with him (bad tubes in an early production Rhea) I'm sure he'll get you back up quickly and walk you through what happened.

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I experienced the same event once. It was a capacitor and sounded like a firecracker going off.