2-3K, Integrated or Seperates

Hello all, I'm considering assembling a secondary system on a budget. I think all most would agree that seperate pre and power amps are the way to go if you have the money to spend.

In the price range up to 3000, there are a bunch of really nice integrated amps out there. What do people think, at this price point would you be better off with a very good integrated, or seperates?

I'm thinking of using this system in a relatively small space with stand or shelf mounted monitors.

I can't speak for the sound of the Red Wine as I have not heard it, but at the price point, using a passive attenuator for volume control on their integrated version(I think they use GoldPoint or DacT) seems like the best way to get the most bang for the buck and possibly the very best implementation of a passive pre as it does not require interconnects and should have minimal or no impedance matching issues. If the Red Wine sounds good and works well with your speakers, it should be very fine indeed and a good way to spend 2-3K
Go the full integration route with the Magnum Dynalab MD 208 receiver! Subwoofer output and smooth, lush Simaudio-made amplifier section.
If you want a int.check out what Coda sells,I dont know price,but you kinda get what you pay for.But i bet its one nice piece.
If I were starting a system from scratch in a small space, the Red Wine integrated would be at the top of my list.
It maybe controversial, but I think up to about $10,000, it is better to consider integrated amps. Manufacturers seem to be taking integrated amps seriously now, with new companies such as Pass joining in. Unfortunately, one of the best VAC, have stopped making an integrated for the moment, hopefully not for ever