Jeff Rowland's Continumm

I've been interestingly putting my eye on the new continuum range from jeff Rowland for some time and have a question based on some discrepency within the information I have gathered; some claims new continuum uses the same module that was used in 201 and 501 while other claims Continuum uses the same module as 302 and 312.

Can anyone solve my curiosity?
I currently have a Rowland 102 amplifier which I think is rather good. I have previously owned Rowland 201s and Red Wine Audio Signature 30. It is possible certainly to prefer something else rather than any of these amplifiers but sanity precludes saying they sound unpleasant. Perhaps some decent speakers would help your situation.
Well Coffeey, if you're going to depend on reviewers to tell you what to listen to, then Rowland is probably not for you. OTOH, those that listen for themselves should step right up. Of course, our friend Guido is a reviewer. Maybe you should listen to him.

With ICEpower, just like Class A, B and AB, there are great designs and not-so-great. Don't lump them all together.

06-05-08: Coffeey said:
"Bel Canto Red Dragon"

Well, there you go. That's not even in the same league.

The issue is not Class D or ICEpower, it's the designer. That's no different than in any other amplifier class.
