Classe vs mcintosh

Looking for comments on the Classe 200 watt 2 channel amp (CA2200) as opposed to the mcintosh 252 or 402. I have heard that classe is cleaner, more accurrate etc. However, looking at the specs its hard to see how anything could be cleaner or more accurrate than the 0.005% THD of the mac amps. I know the CA2200 is spec'd at .003% THD at 8 ohms and .005% TDH at 4 ohms but that .002% difference at 8 ohms is so small as to be without a distinction. Listening to the Classe it just seemed boring and lacking compared to the mac amps ( with no tubes in the system ). Both amps driving B&W speakers.
Well I have owned both amps, but different B&W speakers so I don't know how much help I would be. When using the CA2200 with Signature 805's I enjoyed the system. When I changed to 802D's the CA2200 didn't seem to be enough; I also used the MC402 on the 802D's and would say I prefer it over the CA2200 with the 802D's, but in my room neither setup was what it should be IMO.
IMO I have to agree.. dump the 802d speakers..Ive heared them in about every setup possible..slooooow,tubby.For the $$$ there are much better canidates
Polk and Mission,

You guys convinced me. I just pushed my Signature 800's to the curb. Hopefully the trash men will be able to get them in the back of the garbage truck. They are heavy. That's probably what makes them so slow and tubby.
What about the preamps ?,all this talk on amplifiers ...hooked up to what preamp ? makes a difference, I have 4 systems and a Mac C46/252 into a pair of B&W CM4 floor standing,nothing special, but a good quality speaker, and that combo sounds mighty fine, it doesn't "bowl" you over nor does it"bore" you to sleep.

But I can dramtically change the sound, by changing electronics, both tube and SS. As to Classe, can't comment,haven't heard any.

All I am saying is don't overlook pramps and sources for that matter
I use Pass Labs X250.5 with my N803 and love it. Totally awesome! I have heard MC402 with 803S and 252. Pretty good, but I like the Pass better. Before I bought the Pass I have considered MC402. Pass is more involving with the B&Ws and it seems to drive them effortlessly. Power reserves seem unlimited. It also is super good on low level resolution with the B&Ws due to Class A bias up to 37 watts.

I like Classe with the B&Ws as well. But I would think twice about Classe or McIntosh if you felt that Classe amp was boring.