There has been a lot written about this amp on Audiogon and also in the Magneplanars user group, and I for one am a big fan.
I have three of them so far, and use two in a monoblock configuration for mini monitors on my main desktop at home.
Compared to my Mark Levinson 23.5, they sound a bit dark and congested.
But for the price, I would think they are pretty much impossible to beat and well worth a try. FYI, some people think they do not perform as powerfully as their specifications suggest.
I actually like the looks of the amps in person, but the front panel and controls are a bit cheap and plasticky.
You might also check out their more powerful amps where the 1500 is rumored to be the best of the bunch. The only problem is that they come with fans which are a bit noisy, but some enthusiasts change the fans to quieter ones.
You will also find a lot of complaints about the cheap build quality, lack of reliability etc etc. Although not built like a Rowland for obvious reasons, mine have been perfectly reliable and I suspect a lot of the complaints come from dealers whose vastly higher priced equipment gets embarrassed by Behringer.
Good luck.