What Solid State PreAmp?

In the $5K-$10K range, what are the top PreAmps out there? I am looking for a musical PreAmp. I know of the following in NO particular order, but there might be others. Any feedback would greatly be appreciated.

McIntosh C200
Ayre K1Xe
Accuphase C2000 and C2410
Classe CP 700
Mark Levinson 320 and 326
MBL 5011
My preferences in order are as follows:
Ayre K1XE
T+A P1230r
Accuphase c2000
Naim 281,202,102
MCIntosh C200
Mark Levinson 326
Classe CP 700
I have not heard the MBL or the Accuphase C2410. Although the Ayre and T+A sound somewhat different I like both equally as the best solid state preamps I have heard.
Audiofan12, please tell me about T+A. I heard their CDP and was very impressed. Other than the unfortunate name, that's about all I know about them. Who destributes in the USA?

I second Pcoombs recommendation of the Klyne pre amp; I have a 6LX3P; excellant build quality,high wife acceptance factor and mates well with my tube amps (cary slam100 and Manley ref 440/200 monos); results are excellant.
Hello Mike,
I have been through dozens of preamps over the past 40 years.
It was the most frustrating part of upgrading my system.
I believe that the rest of my system, given room limitations, is the best, in my opinion, that money can buy.
I finally found a preamp where I have no longer a desire to upgrade.
It's called the SMc VRE-1, a design from the inventor/master of tweaks and upgrading other manufacturers' designs, Steve McCormack. He founded The Mod Squad in the 70's. Three + years went into the design of this marvel. It is sold at $7,500., factory direct.
My guess is that it would sell for 15-20,000 through dealers.
Check out the review from Positive Feedback. I, too, wrote a review, my first in 40 years, so worthy is this preamp of "getting the word out" for serious music lovers/audiophiles.
You will be stunned by its performance. I can detect no flaws. A first! Steve is a friendly, approachable engineer.
Give him a call or send me an E-mail for more about this breakthrough product.
I have all Ayre equipment. Personally, I hate MBL..sounds like a German tank...heavy with no finesse.