Thanks for the tips George, but with the TeraDak my wallwart days are over.
I don't care if my wallwart was linear or smp,What this does is amazing.You need to try one.
It cost me $60.00 Canadian, so yes I am from the Northern half of North America.
I've done some more listening and any edge that I felt was there has not shown up,but I should revisit the Graceland lp just to check and see if the sibilance is still there.
But my enjoyment with the pairing of the TeraDak/LSA is making me reluctant to go back to what I've just played.All I want to do is move on to the rest of my library and discover the pleasures anew.
The TerDak makes the LSA spring to life,it's like steroids for the LSA.
It's too bad anyone who has used the LSA with a wallwart, linear or not,and moved on didn't know about the TerDak alternative.They missed out on how good the LSA can sound when given a decent source of power.
For those who are thinking about adding a TerDak,don't scrimp on a cheap power cord just because this thing costs 60 bucks.
Perhaps my power cord is making more of what the TeraDak is doing for the lSA than a stock power cord would do.
As I've said I'm perfectly happy with the pairing and not the least bit ashamed using a power cord that cost almost 4 times what the LSA/TeraDak combo costs.
It's all about what works that matters to me,so call me insane, I won't mind because I am insanely happy with the sound improvements I've made to my system.
My old walwart cost about 25 bucks, no shipping, I bought it at a computer store.
Saving a few dollars and foresaking what the Teradak does isn't sane in my book.
Those saved dollars only waste thousands of dollars invested in music and gear when the system is compromised,which I feel any wallwart will be guilty of.
I don't care if my wallwart was linear or smp,What this does is amazing.You need to try one.
It cost me $60.00 Canadian, so yes I am from the Northern half of North America.
I've done some more listening and any edge that I felt was there has not shown up,but I should revisit the Graceland lp just to check and see if the sibilance is still there.
But my enjoyment with the pairing of the TeraDak/LSA is making me reluctant to go back to what I've just played.All I want to do is move on to the rest of my library and discover the pleasures anew.
The TerDak makes the LSA spring to life,it's like steroids for the LSA.
It's too bad anyone who has used the LSA with a wallwart, linear or not,and moved on didn't know about the TerDak alternative.They missed out on how good the LSA can sound when given a decent source of power.
For those who are thinking about adding a TerDak,don't scrimp on a cheap power cord just because this thing costs 60 bucks.
Perhaps my power cord is making more of what the TeraDak is doing for the lSA than a stock power cord would do.
As I've said I'm perfectly happy with the pairing and not the least bit ashamed using a power cord that cost almost 4 times what the LSA/TeraDak combo costs.
It's all about what works that matters to me,so call me insane, I won't mind because I am insanely happy with the sound improvements I've made to my system.
My old walwart cost about 25 bucks, no shipping, I bought it at a computer store.
Saving a few dollars and foresaking what the Teradak does isn't sane in my book.
Those saved dollars only waste thousands of dollars invested in music and gear when the system is compromised,which I feel any wallwart will be guilty of.