Ayre K1X vs K1Xe

I own and love the K1X. I've had it for 3 or so years and have no itch to change. It was the most solid upgrade I've done to my system ever. I have tried lots of gear over the years and have really settled in with what I own now. If I learned anything with all the gear swapping I did was that usually you just get different sound not necessarily a better one.

That said I am curious to know what effect the E upgrade would have on my preamp. I'm not looking for just a little more air or extension but if I'm missing something important here I'd like to know.

Thanks, Ryan

Yes, I run my 0.3 mv output cart with 70 db of gain, although, if I could, I'd rather use about 65 db of gain.
60 db of gain would probably work, but just barely, IMHO.

With a cart with 0.5mv output, I would use about 60 db of gain, and with a 0.4 mv output, I'd use about 62 db. (But of course the Ayre does not allow that level of refinement to the gain stage, so I'd probably just go with 60 db.)

Okay, here is a link, which shows the bare minimum gain needed.


Personally, I agree with garth (see his subsequent response), that these figures are the bare minimum, and really it should increased by about another 3-6 db or so, depending upon the phono stage, or else the signal is either pushed to its limit, which limits dynamics, or it starts to increase the noise floor.

Plus the added benefit of having increased gain, is that you'll have less volume control difference between your sources. (And with the Ayre's rather complex volume control, I prefer to limit its use.)

As far as which resistor I used, I'll be honest and state it has been too long for me to remember which one I inserted. If you have any questions, I recommend that you call Michael at Ayre, 303-442-7300 x 233, as he is really helpful. (If you dislike talking on the phone, you can post a question to Charles Hansen over at Audio Asylum, (in the amp/preamp section), and he'll usually respond.)

Well, I hope I helped.
Good Luck!

PS If you're using a MC cartridge, make sure that your loading is set to about 100 ohms (versus the 50K ohms that a MM cartridge usually uses, and which the Ayre's default loading is set at, as I recall). Some MC cartridges like 1000 ohms, or something between the two, but I find 100 ohms to be a good place to start.

Glad to see you went for it, and that you can appreciate the benefits of the "e" (evolution) upgrade.
I consider my K-1xe to be one of the cornerstones of my system, which means I doubt I will be upgrading beyond it for a long time, if ever!

That being said though.....

Don't you just long to hear the new Ayre KX-R preamp in your own system?!

I know I do!
But man, the $18,500 price tag is surely going to slow me down from getting it, as even used you can bet it will run around $14K for the next year or two.

And, since it does not have a phono stage, (I listen primarily to vinyl), that means that I'd end up having to spend money on a separate phono stage, and a cable to connect the two. (And since the phono stages I know I'd want to upgrade to, from the excellent Ayre phono boards, are both very expensive (Manley Steelhead or the ASR Basis Exclusive - both around $4K used), I doubt I will be upgrading anytime soon).

That would mean spending close to $20K on the new preamps. Ouch! (I spent $4K for my Ayre K-1x, and $500 to upgrade it to the 'e' version. Quite a bargain, IMHO!)

Oh well, I can dream!

I am in 100% agreement with you. I personally think the K-1xe is one of the biggest bargain in audio. Other than speakers the addition of the K-1x was the single biggest improvement in my system I have ever heard by a long shot. Charlie seems to do everything he tries better than everyone else (Avalon speakers, MX-R, KX-R, etc.).

So I was at Ayre two times for the upgrade(1 drop off and one p/u). The first time they invited me in to hear their in house set up. The room was pitch dark but I knew by the small blue lights what was hooked up. They guided me to a seat and the sound was pretty magical. Without giving away anything in case anyone ever makes it there in person, the set up clearly makes a compelling argument that Amp and Pre-amp make a profound impact in the final sound.

The second time Michael gave me a tour of the building facility. He walked me through the KX-R from the inside out.
Yeah I want one. And I want the MX-R too. And I want them badly. I know they're worth the price but at some point I've got to send my kids to college. I'll keep looking for them used.

I did not realize the KX-R did not have a phono option. I wonder if they might be working on a phono stage. Charlie clearly is in to analog. In fact he just chimed in on a recent thread I started about the new Ayre/DPS turntable which is due out any day now.

If you ever make it out to Denver look me up.
