Who does best SS preamp modifications?

Based on your own personal experience, who does the very best and most effective mods to SOLID STATE preamplifiers?
I am looking for one who can bring older 1990's preamps, such as Parasound, up to the sound qualities of modern high dollar preamps.
Any suggestions?
Thanks for your help!
Modding reduces the resale value in almost every case. There are also warranty ramnifications.

Macrojack is right. Modding does not necessarily improve the sound. That's a subjective appraisal.

I'd simply seek components that are system compatible and suit your listening preferences. You have a boatload to choose from.

However, it's your money.
Bob Backert
1. He has the knowlodge and years of experience
2. Modifications are design based on owner's goals, preferances, recommendation and price range.
3. He isn't into sells of other products so there is no issue of being bias towards one brand or the other.
4. He loves what he does and does it with the passion. Your satisfaction is his reward.
5. I have not met a single soul that wasn't floored with the improvments (i said met...not heard).
6. Most come back for more.......he is that good.

Very easy to talk to. Pleasure to deal with.

Warranty - who needs that when you have Bob.

Resale - if you are already thinking about selling.......do not do it. I have said that before and I will say it again. It is for those that want to improve the already great system but fail to get that lest piece of musicality, detail and transparency. Based on my experience , it was worth every penny and I am definitlly not thinking about selling knowing what I would have to spend to get that kind of performance. If you will ever see any gear in the adds with Bob's mods , let me know......... but I doubt that you will see those anytime soon. On the other hand you see plenty with mods done elsewhere.

Call each one from the list, talk to them and let your hart decide.
