Tube amp for "difficult" speakers,,,

I have a pair of Consequence Dynaudio, mk 2. They work well with my s-state 2x600 watts amp and sounds great esp at large volume levels. But I want to switch to tubes, and even triode if possible. Is good tube amplification unrealistic with these 83 db sensitivity speakers? I am probably not the only one with somewhat "difficult" speakers so all advice is welcome.
Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter
CAT JL-2. Not clear if you are still in the market and I would not want to spring for any tube amp of the size you will need without auditioning it with your speakers. Having said that, I've not seen any tube amp (or most SS) that handle difficult speakers like a CAT JL2. You are looking at a big, heavy, hot amp but it handily outclasses anything I've heard on my Apogee Diva's (and before them, Infinity Beta's). At one point I used it to drive some older speakers I built with Strathearn ribbons (1.1 ohm load). Have never heard it sound less than wonderful.

100% agree on the CAT JL2, which I owned for several years before switching to Atma-sphere M-60s which drive my "easy" speakers to perfection.
Update: I ended up selling my speakers and amp. I now use tube monoblocs with less demanding speakers, and enjoy it.
O holter,

Just curious what did you end up with?


Soon to be Dynaudio Confidence C-1 ii owner with 70 Conrad Johnson tube watts that may not be enough :)
Hi cjinsc, by 2017 I have ended up with Atmasphere MA-1 mk 3.2 amps driving Audiokinesis Dream Maker speakers, augmented by a modified (bridge coupled) Pioneer 912 driving Audiokinesis LCS speakers (you can see my updates in my system blog here at the forum). The LCS upgrade was needed to get a volume level more tuned to rock music and the the big Krell sound that I was used to, in my fairly large listening room. I am happy with this solution. The system sounds good even when parts of my front end are in for repair, and I have to replace with a cheap component, just to be able to play music. Its almost like a jazz combo. The front end (amp speaker room combination) of the system continues to play very well, very musically convincing, whatever the input.  So,I don't look back.