Room Correction Hardware options ?

Hi guys

Tried the conventional bass traps, diffusers, etc and none seems to work or remove effectively room nodes in my listening room. Now exploring the possibility of Digital room correction. My options are: Lyngdorf RP1, Tact 2.2 xp and the Accuphase DG48.

Which of these three is the most effective w/o deteriorating the signals ?

Care to share on experiences on these gadgets ?


I use the Copland DRC-205 with awesome results. I use it with elecrtostat speakers as well.

Good Luck
TAC. No contest. Read Cordesman's reviews of his TAC, which is still in his system.
No doubt about it: The TacT 2.2XP! The Rives is an excellent PASSIVE unit, that will bring down peaks, but can do nothing about nulls. The TacT allows one to place the actives woofer of one's bi-amped system in the corners of the room where they can effectively load the room evenly and aligns them with the main speakers in the time domain. It also provides the option of a parametric EQ, if you want to curve the room via a steady-state(pink noise) signal in addition to the unit's automatic Fast Fourier Transform fuction(among a number of other features). If you are not thinking of actively bi-amping your system, the Tact RCS 2.0 preamp is what you'll want to investigate.