Transporter to Nuforce 9 SeV2 preamp search

I'm curious what the knowledgeable folks here can offer with regards to mating a good pre between 3K and 5K to my already great sounding setup?

So what's missing? Air, image depth, vocal warmth.
Radiohead sounded amazing last night, as does most of what I listen to. I'm really having fun with this combo! I know it can get much better and not having a pre (other than my Onkyo PR-SC885P) it's also a nuisance since I have to flip switches on the back of Nuforces (balanced to RCA) and often move cables to accommadate my HT setup.

I Love many forms of music and value all aspects of the musical experience.

My research has led me to the Modwright LS 36.5 and the Parasound JC-2. I see many folks seem to enjoy the Nu Horizons 2.1. Dodd is also a consideration.

Problems I foresee is the HT bypass. I would hate to limit my search to only HT bypass units but if there's a good one or an alternative to this problem, well, am all ears.
Thanks for your feedback.
I heard the modwright 36.5 on a very different system. I tried to glean what I could from my listening experience. Spatial cues and transparency are what I'm trying to improve upon. The 36.5 at 4K may be the ticket. The Sig 9 might work great as well for 1K less. Decisions..

Any other thoughts?
Thanks for your replies!
Wanting to have Dan at ModWright perform his magic on my TP, I wondered about the pairing of the Modded TP and the Nu Horizon 2.1 preamp. It keeps costs at a relatively sane level ~4K and should give me plenty of the magic I'm looking for. Thoughts?
The Modwright 36.5 is the way to go! I run Dan's moddified Transporter into the 36.5 and it is a magical combination.
Dodd has HT pass-thru......unite doesn't have to be turn on for this feature to work. Since I am not familiar with Transporter , suggestions of others might be better then mine.
Dodd vs Modwright shot-out , this Saturday. Stay tune.
