Which preamp Dodd or Cary slp-98L

Would like some feedback on which preamp would best suite my McCormack DNA-500 SS amp. Source is Audio Aero Capitole MKII and speakers Usher Be-10 with Focal Utopia sub. I have a Melos SHA-1 and would like to upgrade.
Dodd won over Modwright in shot out yesterday. Better tone and middle range. Modwright sounds almost SS-ish next to Dodd. Dodd is still on the top in my book. Who is next???? Maybe.....Audio Horizon ??? Anyone in NY area up for a head to head blind test with independent jury ??
Whatever the outcome might be , I am up for it....so is Dodd.

Is this the thread where the shootout is covered or is there more info in another thread? http://www.audiocircle.com/circles/index.php?topic=54625.msg501613;topicseen#new
I will post it here if you want. There is also some in RWA Sig 30 and Dodd both battery powered thread and more coming on AC thread - Dodd , first impressions.

Hey Mrjstark, I'm in Staten Island and have an Supratek Sauvignon and wouldn't mind hearing your Dodd IMS.
Not really into the blind listening thing, but having a enjoyable listening session between the two pre-amps with good tunes would be nice.
The Dodd was the other Pre choice when I sold my Aleph P for a tubed unit. I can have about 3 people over for the shoot-out, let me know.

Just wait for the wait for the Red Wine Audio Isabella. It is coming out any day now and 6moons already has the preview up:

This is the one I'll be ordering for my RWA 30.2!
